We are pleased to announce that |SFH| has now merged with a very well known UK CS Source community called GOGZ (Grumpy Old Gamerz). As part of this merger, GOGZ will now be moving to |SFH| servers and forums. We also will be providing web and in game comms via Ventrilo. Details can be found in the private clan members sections of the forums.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that we have two new CSS game servers (migrating from the GOGz ones), in addition to our classic CSS box:
Classic CS Source UK Public - |SFH| sentfromhell.co.uk Addr: sfh1.sentfromhell.com:27019 IP:
Rats and Fun UK Public - |SFH| sentfromhell.co.uk Addr: sfh2.sentfromhell.com:27050 IP:
Jail Server UK Public - |SFH| sentfromhell.co.uk Addr: sfh2.sentfromhell.com:27055 IP: Please can all new members register on the forums and post on the recruitment section to announce yourselves... 
In other news, we are now running Psychostats on all our CS and CSS servers. See here for your ranking: