Clan History |
It started with a chat room.... Some time in April 2002, the concept of a gaming clan came to the mind of a young man by the name of Yoda. By June 2002, this idea had reached fruition, and the gaming clan |SFH| or "Sent From Hell" was formed by Yoda and a few good friends.
The timeline was thus:
June 2002 - Clan |SFH| is formed by Yoda - Yay! Big recruitment drive! We have our first two promotions, Demonboy and Anonymous promoted to DCL. |SFH| is entered into ClanBase although no games organised as yet!
July 2002 - Demonboy is promoted to JCL. Richie is promoted to DCL status after AnonymouS dissapears without a trace?! We have our first clan match and totally whup (48-3)!
August 2002 - More new members join one of whom (Food) turns out to be a cheat in his first game. The other clan (H69K) are very understanding and agree to let us put it down as a no-show in ClanBase.
September 2002 - Great news! We get sponsorship from Argyll Internet for our web hosting. More new members including our first female member! SirWomble is promoted to DCL and Mojo Jojo to MA status.
October 2002 - Very much a time of change for us. Our beloved leader Yoda decides it is time to hang up his |SFH| boots and concentrate on his studies. We wish him all the luck for the future. His last request is to promote SirWomble to the rank of CL. Our ranks swell over the weeks up to a full complement of 20 members! The entire webpage has to be rewritten in .asp to handle the amount of information!
November 2002 - We finally get our own server! Yay! Provided by warservers we got an amazing deal (we paid £135 and the same server a week later was £210 for the same thing!) We finally get sick of people missing practices etc and go on a mission to end it!
December 2002 - People come and go, admin people change about a bit, the server get much more popular, life is generally good. Yay!
January 2003 - The server is acting up quite a bit so we ask warservers to move us to a new box, it turns out to be a tasty piece of ass and even more people wanna play on it now, w00tage! We decide to have the 1st |SFH| LAN and get into preperation. Jaguar_Infinity is promoted to Joint Clan Leader as SirWomble decides to put CS on the back burner a bit due to family commitments.
Febuary 2003 - The 1st |SFH| Lan goes ahead, it is a huge success and all those attending have a great time. There were at one point 17 PCs connected to the network! A total of 7 |SFH| members make it to Mojo Jojos flat in Edinburgh. Thanx again Mojo for being such a great host!
March 2003 - We manage to rise up to EnemyDown Division 2 and the clan continues to grow in size and strength. Practice attendances are up and things are looking generally rosie...
April 2003 - Due to a number of other commitments, Jaguar_Infinity steps down from the post of JCL and goes honourary. Demonboy & Mojo Jojo both dissapear for a bit as they study madly to sit their finals for their university degrees! Dud meanwhile gets the opportunity to fight crime and the dreaded hax0rs when he gets invited to help United Admins 'Insight' team! A new online radio station, Warservers Radio is formed and a number of |SFH| members get involved.
May 2003 - Demonboy and Mojo sit their Uni finals eek! |SFH| breaks the 30 member barrier and continues going strong yay!
June 2003 - The |SFH| server breaks the 10,000 visitors mark! Thats 10,000 seperate WONIDs have been logged playing on our server in the previous 6 months!!! Were also averaging around 2000 player connections a week from about 150-200 people a day! As you can imagine this means a LOT of requests from people to join |SFH| and in order to make room for those we accept we decide to form a second team called the Academy section. 1st ever clan AGM is held on Sunday 14th June and is a great success! A total of 20 members are in attendance and many things are discussed and decided, most importantly the formation of 2 new squads within the clan. Main Force and Academy.
July 2003 - The Academy section is started and Main Force goes drops back down to ED Division 3 due to poor attendances in general plus lack of leadership from Demonboy as he is finishing his degree. Doh! Demonboy and Mojo graduate Uni and come back with avengance! YAY!
August 2003 - Main Force get re-promoted back to Division 2 as attendances improve and things are generally better. Plans are made for a clan trip to Multiplays i17 LAN to which 5 members eventually make it, Demonboy, Mojo Jojo, CDM, Harv and Jaguar_Infinity. Photos are available here. |SFH| also breaks the 40 member barrier, gargantuan to say the least!
September 2003 - CS 1.6 and steam have both finally been released and the |SFH| server is the first server on warservers (and one of the first clan servers in the UK) to be up and running properly with 1.6. A second B team practice is introduced on Saturdays, giving them 2 per week same as the A team
October 2003 - The |SFH| server IP changes with almost no notice! HOPEFULLY this wont have to change again. We are still hosted by Warservers but they move provider to get us better pings hence the IP change. Demonboy works hard on a brand spanking new website as the old one is looking a little dated now...
November 2003 - October 2004 - Busy year for all in their personal lives, |SFH| trundles along quite happily with a few wins, a few losses and a general good time had by all. |SFH|'s new rats server becomes very popular. |SFH| are left deciding what to do about the forthcoming release of CS: Source
November 2004 - March 2005 - Lots more stuff happens, we are still in ED Div 1 but not doing great and the web site changes host again... we've also just purchased a new server with ultra-serve and are planning on buying a dedicated box to run several servers on it!
April 2005 - May 2005 - We purchase a dedicated box and within days the new Rats Only and custom/classics servers are as popular as ever! Harv holds a very successful |SFH| LAN 3 at his place in London. Much fun and drinkage is had by all...
June 2005 |SFH| Celebrates its 3rd birthday!
July 2005 - December 2006 - Stuff happens... I'ts all a bit of a blur tbh!
January 2006 - The site gets a backend overhaul and we get a new server. I really should update this a bit more often!!! (We are also planning for |SFH| LAN 4 in Edinburgh!!!)
February 2006 - Site still being worked on, loads more still to do and the next release is a few weeks away, but in the mean time we have LAN 4 which rocked the cock, (photos and videos available soon - much drunkeness!) plus we form a new DoW section and plan to for a BF2 section as well! A busy month overall...
July 2006 - Finally finished the site updates!!! New site released with loads of new changes, features and updates... oh yeah, and |SFH| TURNS 4!!!
August 2006 - Plenty of new site features and fixes released which sends us flying up the google page rankings! The DoW team go to play their first ever PCW but unfortunately the other team did not get their shit together and the game defaulted to us!
September 2006 - New Star Wars Galaxies forums and guild formed with many thanks to the hours of work Scotzman has put in to do it. We even have our own city called Macduff on Dantooine! More work goes on optimising the site for google rankings (we are now in the 1st page for Dawn of War Clans in UK )
October 2006 - Even more expansion! Our new Company of Heroes Clan section is created and Mkoll promoted to Team Leader. What a game! We finally co-locate our own dedicated clan server at the Blue Square data centre in Maidenhead through Poundhost Internet LLP and run 4 servers to start. This is pretty old kit and plans are to replace with something beefier in the new year.
November 2006 - Dawn of War Dark Crusade is released and found to be AWESOME! Mojo, Demonboy, Dud and Uplink attend i29 and have a rip roaring time... for photos . We recruit our first Australian members in the DoW section (The Sentin3l and Onimasha) and compete in EDCSL for the first time (though half our opponents didnt even turn up!)
December 2006 - Battlefield 2142 section is fully formed from the old BF2 one. [D]esert punk is promoted to BF2142 team leader and gets to work on recruiting new members. Our WON logging breaks the 60,000 mark - meaning since Steam was released just 3 years ago, we have had over 60,000 individuals players come through our servers... quite an impressive feat by most accounts!
Jan 2007 - We are recruiting like mad all over the shop! We also have a blossoming Dawn of War team who are kicking ass and taking names...
Feb 2007 - BF2142 Northern Strike is released, prompting numerous new members and some great new maps for the guys to win on.
Mar 2007 - The birth of the first |SFH| baby! Congratulations to TheFraggle on the birth of his baby girl, Sophie Louise Jones!
Jun 2007 - |SFH| Celebrates its 5th birthday!
Jul 2007 - |SFH| continue to grow with yet another game in its ever expanding belt! The addition of a Counter Strike Source clan section is means that we are competing in both Counter Strike 1.6 and Counter Strike Source leagues on ED.
Nov 2007 - |SFH| attend i32. Attendees are Demonboy, Mojo Jojo, Harv, Richie and Luke. Trackmania was the game of the LAN, and we all came away with claw-like hands from the 500+ Trackmania maps played. Phrase of the LAN was "Mama, you've been baaaad!".
Jun 2008 - |SFH| Celebrates its 6th birthday!
Oct 2008 - With the new TF2 out, and many (if not most) members playing it on a casual basis, we provide a new TF2 server for public use.
Jun 2009 - |SFH| Celebrates its 7th birthday!
Jul 2009 - With the realease of WOTLK, World of Warcraft hit its peak in terms of poplarity both worldwide, and within the clan. So much so, that |SFH| merges with two EU WoW guilds to provide resources and a community on both Draenor and Frostwhisper servers (EU). < Grace > on Draenor proves particularly popular, with over 100 members. The regular raids take the guild as far as the ICC end game content by xmas.
Oct 2009 - On the back of the popularity of Guild Wars, and with the release of the new version, we form an Aion Legion. This quickly becomes extremely popular under the excellent adminage of Amonette and Darthbaz.
Nov 2009 - |SFH| attend i38. Attendees are Demonboy, Mojo Jojo and Gouldfish. The newly released Borderlands was the game of the LAN. The most amusing highlight was when a young man in the row in front of us was accosted for thieving, and nearly taken out by a large lynch mob!
Feb 2010 - Congratulations to Demonboy on the birth of his baby girl! The training to become future CL begins soon...
Jun 2010 - |SFH| Celebrates its 8th birthday!
Jul 2010 - Congratulations to Darthbaz on the birth of his baby boy! Thats clan baby number 3 for anyone who is counting... 
Oct 2010 - Clan Leader / GM Demonboy decides enough is enough, that name is a bit silly for a 31 year old, and changes his name to Nhumrod!
Nov 2010 - A merger is agreed with a very well known UK CS Source community called GOGZ (Grumpy Old Gamerz). With this, the CSS section is bolstered significantly and the game servers and website/forums receive some much needed TLC.
Feb 2014 - What better way to keep the winter at bay than to have SFH LAN 5?! Thanks for hosting us Mojo!
Aug 2015 - We have an impromptu SFH LAN 6 at Mojo's house! Thanks Mojo!
Oct 2020 - Harv suggested (mid pandemic) we get together for a virtual LAN party one Saturday night... 3 years later, it's still going strong!
Jan 2024 - We're still going strong, meeting on Discord every second Saturday night for many beers and laughs!
Copyright ©2002-2025 Alex Galbraith
Version 2.2 Build 10 |