WoW Cataclysm Released! |
The long awaited release of the third WoW Expansion, Cataclysm (or Cata) was released today. Many shops were open at midnight on the first night to allow gamers to purchase and get playing straight away, as well as soak up the excitement.
This will surely reinvigorate the game, which has seen falling numbers over the past year or so, with users getting bored or frustrated with the stagnant content.
As part of the release, |SFH| will be restarting the Grace (EU-Draenor Horde) WoW guild giving everyone the opportunity to level up with like minded, mature individuals. To join grace, simply click the link below and register for an invite.
I bought the exp on pre-sale, but havent activated my account yet. Might wait until after xmas, esp as I wont get much chance to play until then... |
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Version 2.2 Build 10 |