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Grizzler Site Admin

Joined: 13 Febuary 2003 Location: Norway Posts: 5192
Posted: 21 May 2005 at 9:42am | IP Logged
I am really impressed of the new consols coming out how good the graphics are gonna be, like ps3 a 6 core cpu.. damn..anyone of you forexample seen the Killzone 2 video?
click on killzone2 (stream)
those graphics are NOT pre-rendered, or look at the final fantasy VII tech demo.. I am amazed
I will definatly get a ps3 and ofcourse Revolution when it comes out.. this is just too good lol , ofcourse PC systems will get something similar, but until that time comes, goooo consols lol
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ScotzMan 1337 Community Member

Joined: 06 August 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 2163
Posted: 21 May 2005 at 9:50am | IP Logged
i bought myself an IGN account somtime in the last year
curly has been logged in on it and gettin all the E3 vids for us to watch hehe and all the latest stuff
all the IGN Insider stuff
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 21 May 2005 at 12:24pm | IP Logged
well no one is sure if Killzone 2 is pre-rendered or not.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 12:52pm | IP Logged
I'd like to know if it is tbh.
If it isn't, then its damn obvious even to me that consoles will take over the PC market with graphics like that.
That would beat the living sh*te out of HL2 if it isn't pre-rendered - and we all know thats a tough thing to do to the Valvemeisters right now.
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Grizzler Site Admin

Joined: 13 Febuary 2003 Location: Norway Posts: 5192
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 1:11pm | IP Logged
Well, not really, Nvidia has released Geforce 7800 , which is gonna compete against those graphics.. but the thing is that ps3 as a 8 core cpu.. which example one take care of the graphic, another take over another thing etc.. on a pc we only have max 2 core cpu now.. which, means that ps3 will make a much better peformance than a normal computer
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cannedfool Imba Community Member

Joined: 07 July 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 522
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 2:30pm | IP Logged
and the good news is the ps3 is gonna flop :D
square (makers of final fantasy have moved to xbox) because the ps3 is almost impossible 2 program for.. its like the saturn that flopped cause it was to far head of its time.
it has take programmers like 3 months to get a few pixels out of the ps3 so yea..
tbh its all about xbox 360 and the nintendo revoulution with its free back cataloge download system.
__________________ LongJohnDonut
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 2:36pm | IP Logged
Sony will find a way.
They always do.
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hamble Honourary Member

Middle Eastern Terrorist
Joined: 03 August 2003 Location: Bahrain Posts: 1054
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:02pm | IP Logged
Woah! Just seen it at – pretty awesome! It starts off looking pre-rendered, but pretty rapidly starts looking real-time. Gotta love the smoke and flame effects... PS3 is gonna be amazing!
Must be a bit of a nightmare to make games for though... all those gfx - all the AI and scripting and sound - it's gonna cost a fortune for a development house. Still, I for one can't wait for GTA4 on PS3! Woah!
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[D]esert Punk 1337 Community Member

Joined: 30 June 2005 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 1692
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:13pm | IP Logged
hahaha killzone hahahahah ps3 hahahah who cares, XBOX 360 is the daddy,.... wasnt killzone 1 sposed to be halo 2 ps rival... and i think it got 6/10 in edge magazine...(i think it crap compared to halo 2) and if u seen halo 3 its pisses over most of wot i saw in that ps site, except the gundam game it looks top
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Nhumrod Site Admin

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Joined: 09 September 2002 Location: Scotland Posts: 13897
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:29pm | IP Logged
anyone got/tried tekken 5 yet?
__________________ There is no IRL, there's just AFK.
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:33pm | IP Logged
I played it in the arcade ages back
If you like Tekken 4 (which i don't), then you will like it - cause nothing has changed bar a few new charactors.
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Nhumrod Site Admin

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Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:37pm | IP Logged
tag is better...
__________________ There is no IRL, there's just AFK.
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:37pm | IP Logged
Tag will always be better, no matter how many versions they bring out.
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hamble Honourary Member

Middle Eastern Terrorist
Joined: 03 August 2003 Location: Bahrain Posts: 1054
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:44pm | IP Logged
That's true... I have 4 on PS2, but it's not nearly as good as Tag was. Big step back really, 'cept for the graphics.
Anyway, I urge everyone to look at the game footage of something called
Motor Storm... this link should work:
This looks AMAZING!!!
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Grizzler Site Admin

Joined: 13 Febuary 2003 Location: Norway Posts: 5192
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 3:57pm | IP Logged
even the developers say that tekken 4 was bad, they call tekken 5 the sequel to tekken 3 (tekken tag), because they really dont count tekken 4.. and on to the consols, its gonna be amazing.. they all have HD-disk , and blueray, except nintendo.. (I am a nintendo fan) which can store like 50 GB.. so wonder how they will fit gamez in that o.O..
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ChiefPFF Honourary Member

Joined: 09 September 2002 Location: Scotland Posts: 567
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 5:07pm | IP Logged
I've got it - its really good. Tekken 4 was utter piss compared to it.
Pretty hardcore. Faster moves, more counters and cool things, and lots of characters to unlock. V good.
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hamble Honourary Member

Middle Eastern Terrorist
Joined: 03 August 2003 Location: Bahrain Posts: 1054
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 6:16pm | IP Logged
XBox 360 isn't BlueRay, it's Dual Layer DVD, (9 gig) based on the existing DVD format, and then sometime in the future maybe changing to HD-DVD - the Toshiba thing. Bloody Toshiba and Sony couldn't agree on a standard between Blue-Ray and HD-DVD, so there's going to be two competing formats, which is just... so... stupid. HD-DVD holds 30gig, Blue-Ray holds 50gig. Blue-Ray has way more backers from all industries, HD-DVD has Microsoft (admittedly a pretty big plus for them) NEC and a lot of the big Hollywood Studios. But ultimately the consumer will lose, followed probably by Toshiba. I predict that HD-DVD will take off as the big one to begin with because it's cheaper to reproduce, but when Blue-Ray comes out and all the Hollywood studios start producing their stuff on both formats (which they undoubtedly will - it's MONEY) HD-DVD will die a slow but neccessary death.
The stupidest thing about it all is that Sony actually had talks with Toshiba to try to work out a compromising deal, but Toshiba walked away saying the market would decide. Pretty short-sighted if you ask me.
Anyway, there's no way the PS3 will flop, and the XBox 360 will do well too... the one I'm surprised is even still trying is Nintendo... they're not giving anything away much about their 'Revolution', but I can't believe it's going to be THAT revolutionary beside the other two, and trying to rely on their back-catalogue of games is hardly amazing. I for one never liked any of those stupid plumber games.
The winner will be the one with the best exclusive games...
Can't wait!
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Nhumrod Site Admin

Clan Leader & GM
Joined: 09 September 2002 Location: Scotland Posts: 13897
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 10:06pm | IP Logged
Grizzler wrote:
even the developers say that tekken 4 was bad, they call tekken 5 the sequel to tekken 3 (tekken tag), because they really dont count tekken 4.. and on to the consols, its gonna be amazing.. they all have HD-disk , and blueray, except nintendo.. (I am a nintendo fan) which can store like 50 GB.. so wonder how they will fit gamez in that o.O.. |
tag and tekken 3 are different games...
__________________ There is no IRL, there's just AFK.
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Grizzler Site Admin

Joined: 13 Febuary 2003 Location: Norway Posts: 5192
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 10:52pm | IP Logged
is it? ah well, tekken tag then
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Grizzler Site Admin

Joined: 13 Febuary 2003 Location: Norway Posts: 5192
Posted: 11 July 2005 at 11:00pm | IP Logged
hamble wrote:
XBox 360 isn't BlueRay, it's Dual Layer DVD, (9 gig) based on the existing DVD format, and then sometime in the future maybe changing to HD-DVD - the Toshiba thing. Bloody Toshiba and Sony couldn't agree on a standard between Blue-Ray and HD-DVD, so there's going to be two competing formats, which is just... so... stupid. HD-DVD holds 30gig, Blue-Ray holds 50gig. Blue-Ray has way more backers from all industries, HD-DVD has Microsoft (admittedly a pretty big plus for them) NEC and a lot of the big Hollywood Studios. But ultimately the consumer will lose, followed probably by Toshiba. I predict that HD-DVD will take off as the big one to begin with because it's cheaper to reproduce, but when Blue-Ray comes out and all the Hollywood studios start producing their stuff on both formats (which they undoubtedly will - it's MONEY) HD-DVD will die a slow but neccessary death.
The stupidest thing about it all is that Sony actually had talks with Toshiba to try to work out a compromising deal, but Toshiba walked away saying the market would decide. Pretty short-sighted if you ask me.
Anyway, there's no way the PS3 will flop, and the XBox 360 will do well too... the one I'm surprised is even still trying is Nintendo... they're not giving anything away much about their 'Revolution', but I can't believe it's going to be THAT revolutionary beside the other two, and trying to rely on their back-catalogue of games is hardly amazing. I for one never liked any of those stupid plumber games.
The winner will be the one with the best exclusive games...
Can't wait!
Ok, diden't know that, I heard that nintendo is using dual layer aswell.. I dont think Nintendo will have the best graphics, but graphics is not everything.. I think they will have another way to play games and stuff... and for exclusive titels... well I cant wait for Zelda that game is gonna be amazing on the new nintendo
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