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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 1:17pm | IP Logged
right as we speak a full compile of CS_courtyard_2v67 is being done.
Once it's done and I've upped it to my webby I will provide the link, so it can be put on the server.
This should be the second last big build of courtyard for Source and I'm going to need all of your input on this one.
you all will notice alot of changes, even you's from the lan, and so what I need to know is:
Is it balanced?
Is it playable?
is there any areas that have major slow down?
how does it look in general?
it there any bugs.
Also the big question!!
Should the pipes go!
You will note that most of the vents are gone, and I'm trying to decide if the pipes should follow.
If you think they should stay should the exit points be moved?
I know Im asking alot but this map has had more work put into it then almost anything I have ever done and I want to make it as good as I can.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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Richie Moderatus

Joined: 09 September 2002 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 1643
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 1:43pm | IP Logged
i will be home on monday so will download it then and find you on vent for a quick run about and chat if you like, i am sure Womble will comment, he always has good feedback on level design
__________________ MOOPH!
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 2:57pm | IP Logged
yeah It's was good to run maps via womble :)
will catch up with you on monday hopefully it will have finished compiling by them.
decied to do a full compile and I set it off at 7:55 and it was still going at 13:25.
but hopefully it will mean that it will be less laggy then other versions I put on line.
__________________ TheGouldFish
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 3:51pm | IP Logged
I'll be happy to test it if you provide a link to your map.
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 7:57pm | IP Logged
well after leaving the map compling for over 9 hours it still wasn't done so I've gone back to the source and done some work to it and it does compile alot faster now and I should be able to compile it alot quicker now. so I will get the map up quicker.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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cannedfool Imba Community Member

Joined: 07 July 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 522
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 9:37pm | IP Logged
get onto gama about getting it on customs and we can have a game sat/sun night
__________________ LongJohnDonut
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Grizzler Site Admin

Joined: 13 Febuary 2003 Location: Norway Posts: 5192
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 10:22pm | IP Logged
the custom server? isn't this a source map?
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 17 June 2005 at 10:36pm | IP Logged
yeah it is.
dispite saying it's donw and going for a big compile, im still doing some work. at the moment it mostly tryingt o make the map run better, should have a nice running version by tomorrow.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 20 June 2005 at 1:54pm | IP Logged
Sorry for the lack of updates, umm I was busy over the weekend and did not get the changes done what I think the map needed.
what I hope to do is get from work at a resonable time and do the quick fix and run a quick compile, for a quick run around tonight.
Once that has been done I can do a full compile on tuesday while at work and we can have a fully compiled version ready to play.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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Richie Moderatus

Joined: 09 September 2002 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 1643
Posted: 20 June 2005 at 2:51pm | IP Logged
well when its ready post up the link for the download!
__________________ MOOPH!
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Sirwomble Site Admin

Occasional Table
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Posted: 20 June 2005 at 3:26pm | IP Logged
Topic Closed.


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Richie Moderatus

Joined: 09 September 2002 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 1643
Posted: 20 June 2005 at 3:53pm | IP Logged
oooooo bitch!
just cos i closed 2 topics that were going downhill fast! and anyway like Chieffy says, be nice 
__________________ MOOPH!
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 20 June 2005 at 9:48pm | IP Logged
right here is the "fully compiled version" of CS_Courtyard2v68
Edited by TheGouldFish on 24 June 2005 at 7:26am
__________________ TheGouldFish
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 20 June 2005 at 10:33pm | IP Logged
The other maps in the CS:S directory are of .cache format, not .bsp!?
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greg Honourary Member

Joined: 20 August 2004 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2865
Posted: 20 June 2005 at 11:07pm | IP Logged
sling it in the maps directory and works fine for me
__________________ "You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on"
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 21 June 2005 at 6:57am | IP Logged
put the .bsp and .nav files into your maps dir in cs:s and it should work. it's more likey you don't have any other downloaded maps, so all the other BSP's are in the GCF files.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 21 June 2005 at 12:51pm | IP Logged
I C.
Will try tonight then.
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 21 June 2005 at 1:51pm | IP Logged
I'm hopping to have the fully compiled version up by tonight, it should be compiling now.
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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Harv Honourary Member

Joined: 24 January 2003 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 2716
Posted: 21 June 2005 at 7:56pm | IP Logged
Just tried it, and i think its fookin brilliant like.
I thought i would give you your moneys worth though and bring up some points.
PLEASE, take in mind that what i say may not be either right or wrong, just ideas ok?
For some reason my FPS dropped quite alot after spawning as CT when i approach the truck with the fire in the cabin. I have full anti-alaising and full anisotropic filtering on, and i get 60-115 FPS throughout the map, except there it dropps to around 25. Dunno why?
It looks like you should be able to jump on to the second box under the big air duct, but it looks like it's too high... Is that delibrate?
Wether its the map or the HL2 engine - the hostages are real w**kers when you try to get them to follow you. A few get lost every once in a while - a few refuse to climb a few stairs sometimes, and ALL of them refuse to go through the trees and grass bit.
Talking of the tress and grass bit - lovin the trees there, but it seems wierd too that the cs player can see a part of the map, but looks like walking in to an invisible wall when trying to get closer. Is that nessessary? If so, how about putting a visable fence there in order to physically show why the player can not walk further?
Absolutely LOVIN' all the great camp spots in that map tbh - too many to mention here, but a few that i wrote down was the top of the ventilation system near the air ducts, the rocks in the corner near the trees and the little paths off in the tunnels that are blocked off.
Real nice dude.
Hope i have helped.
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TheGouldFish Honourary Member

The Mapper
Joined: 05 June 2003 Location: Scotland Posts: 3456
Posted: 21 June 2005 at 8:41pm | IP Logged
most of the bits I knew about all ready, but thanks for the words of prase.
I have been tring to work out what to do with the grass bit, it's a very new addtion so it's going to need lots of work.
I've going to have to look into the hossies more because the bot's also have alot of the same problems.
on the plus side if you goto the same link as above and redownload the map you should find all the slow down (or most of the slow down) gone!!!
As that is the fully compiled version/
Edited by TheGouldFish on 21 June 2005 at 8:42pm
__________________ TheGouldFish
Fear the Fish
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