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Posted: 27 October 2009 at 9:52am | IP Logged  

Having completed ToC10 last night for the first time with 3 guildies and some PUGs, I am pleased to announce we downed all 5 sets of bosses with only a single wipe on the champions! Yay!

I have modified the following guide, which I found on the wow forums and fixed some of the details. You can copy-paste each line from here into your wow chat window.

Note: the faction champions are a bitch, and this section needs a total re-write.

Coliseum Northrend Beasts

/rw === Gormok the impaler ===
/rw Tanks setup a disarm rotation (else rogue / dps warrior assist)
/rw Tanks switch at 3+ stacks IF the OT is cleared of debuff
/rw DPS - ALWAYS kill the snowbold adds, THEN the boss whenever they appear

/rw === Acidmaw & Dreadscale ===
/rw 1 tank on Acidmaw, 1 tank on Dreadscale (slow kiting)
/rw Always point the worms AWAY from the raid!
/rw All dps burns down ACIDMAW 1st (starts stationary, always in the same place) - use all cooldowns + pop BL
/rw IF you have POISON debuff run to the Dreadscale tank to dispell it (or someone with fire debuff)
/rw IF you have FIRE debuff run to the Acidmaw tank to dispell it (or someone with poison debuff)
/rw Shaman(s) use Nature + Fire resistance totems pls

/rw === Icehowl ===
/rw Tank him in the center, raid spreads out in a circle around
/rw Icehowl will look at who he charges, avoid charge by running to the side (right)
/rw Spank boss while he is stunned, tanks drag to him to middle when he wakes up... Rinse + repeat

Coliseum Lord Jaraxxus

/rw MT on Jaraxxus, OT on Adds

/rw CASTER DPS always kill the ADDS then when they are dead continue DPS on Boss
/rw MELEE DPS on Boss - Use interupts on FEL FIREBALL when you can
/rw Mage(s) spellsteal the Nether Power buff from the boss, dispellers dispel it only if there are no mage

/rw IF you get LEGION FLAMES debuff - just run to the wall in a straight line
/rw RANGED and HEALERS spread out to avoid chaining any damage from the adds
/rw Shamans use Fire Resistance totem pls

Coliseum Faction Champions - Needs complete rewrite

/rw This is basically a bitch of a PVP fight in PVE gear, but if you have a {Medallion of the Horde} then use it

/rw === Main rules for whole fight ===
/rw 1) Be aware of your surroundings! act on it
/rw 2) Survival is of essence - IF YOU are FOCUSED then run escape, fear, freeze, gouge etc
/rw 3) Help neighbours in trouble, put down totems, fear, stun, hex , sheep etc and cleanse any sheeped people
/rw 4) Shammy(s) pls use PVP tots, eg Cleanse and Tremor, watch for them being destroyed

/rw Principle for fight

/rw NPC setups:
/rw 2 melee 2 Ranged 2 healers (ex rogue warrior, mage hunter, priest druid)
/rw 3 melee 1 ranged 2 healers (ex rogue warr dk, elem druid, paladin druid)

/rw Our setup:
/rw 2 healers
/rw 1 lockdown protwarrior alt rogue
/rw 3 cc rotation persons
/rw 4 dps on skull

/rw 3 melee is cc'ed by rotation cc'ers (melee dps is cc'ed firstly)

/rw NPC Priest/Holy Paladin is locked down by prot warrior

/rw 4 dps kill in this order:

/rw 1) Healer NPC with most instant heals (example druid, disc priest)
/rw 2) most "bursty meleedps NPC" (example warrior or rogue)
/rw 3) Second most bursty meleedps (example dk, melee shaman)
/rw 4) Second healer
/rw 5) ranged melee
/rw 6) ranged caster

General idea (this is not supposed to be texted, it's just for you to know what i'm trying to tell in the /rw messages):

3 cc keep all dps except 1 ranged dps (his effects will be healed or dispelled) This will hopefully make all our dps/helaers pretty safe from damage
1 lockdown person keeping an healer locked down makes the skulltarget recieve limited heals (calculate skull to get 100% of his health healed)
2 healers / dispellers should be enough
4 dps make 4x3500 dps on an target = 12-16 000 dps which would make an NPC with 800k (double NPC health) die in 50-70 seconds

whole fight should take about 6 minutes.


Coliseum Twin Valkyrs

/rw Group 1 DPS on Darkbane
/rw Group 2 DPS on Lightbane

/rw To do DPS on Darkbane you need to have the LIGHT buff
/rw To do DPS on Lightbane you need to have the DARK buff

/rw When orbs appear, avoid LIGHT orbs when you have DARK buff and DARK orbs when you have LIGHT buff.
/rw Collecting ORBS of the same colour will give you a boost!

/rw Roughly every 45 seconds two random abilities will occur. EITHER Twin Pacts or LIGHT/DARK VORTEX.

/rw TWIN PACTS is a Powerful Heal. It will Heal the bosses 20%.
/rw Tactics on TWIN PACT are:
/rw 1) Make sure you have the right buff: Light buff to damage Darkbane and vice versa.
/rw 2) Blow all cooldowns to take down the protective Shield the boss have cast
/rw 3) Interupt him with whatever special abilities you class have

/rw Tactics on LIGHT/DARK VORTEX are:
/rw 1) On LIGHT VORTEX run off and GET the LIGHT buff
/rw 2) On DARK VORTEX run off and GET the DARK buff
/rw 3) When the Vortex is over change back to the DARK/LIGHT buff needed for your group assignment

/rw Note that the twins have a shared health pool. Any damage done to one will be taken by both.


Coliseum Anub'arak

/rw Fight has 3 phases
/rw Phase 1: Boss is ABOVE ground and elite ADDS appear
/rw Phase 2: Boss is BELOW ground. Raid is KITING SPIKES and killing non-elite ADDS.
/rw Phase 3: Starts at 30% HP - Tank and Spank time - Healers keep raid at 50% HP NO more - ONLY MT gets FULL HEAL

/rw Tactics Phase 1
/rw Phase 1: MT tank boss above ground OT tanks adds
/rw Phase 1: OT tanks adds ON Permafrost patches
/rw Phase 1: MELEE DPS stay on BOSS
/rw Phase 1: CASTER DPS burn down the ADDS OT is tanking THEN back on BOSS
/rw Phase 1: One caster DPS shoots down the Frost Orbs floating above to create Permafrost patches (will assign)

/rw Tactics Phase 2
/rw Phase 2: Survive the SPIKES by standing ON Permafrost and avoiding those being targetted
/rw Phase 2: Group up and AOE the non elite ADDS
/rw Phase 2: OT stay away from small ADDS poison debuff

/rw Tactics Phase3
/rw Phase 3: Starts at 30% HP - Tank and Spank time - Burn all CDs and pop BL
/rw Phase 3: Healers keep raid at 30-40% HP NO more - ONLY MT gets FULL HEAL


There is no IRL, there's just AFK.
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Posted: 27 October 2009 at 10:36pm | IP Logged  

I disagree on the twins, for my experience doing ToC 10 splitting up is very bad, they need to be tanked together so you can get enough dps to get the shield down.

Or you can just out dps the heal, that would work too.

And you don't need to switch essence to take the shield down, if you use the time to dps instead of running all the way back you would do more damage overall even if it's 50% decrease damage to the shield. But it's more important to get it down.

Which is why you shouldent split up, because then the other group have to run over to the other one which takes time, valuable time.

Edited by Grizzler on 27 October 2009 at 10:47pm


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Posted: 29 October 2009 at 9:58am | IP Logged  

Where did I say split up?

We always tank both bosses around the centre of the room?

There is no IRL, there's just AFK.
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Posted: 30 October 2009 at 11:43pm | IP Logged  

"/rw Group 1 DPS on Darkbane
/rw Group 2 DPS on Lightbane"


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Posted: 09 November 2009 at 9:42am | IP Logged  

So you normally put everyone on one boss and just one tank on the other? Surely then you risk being hit by more balls of the wrong colour and less people get the dmg bonus as less balss of one colour?

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Posted: 09 November 2009 at 4:06pm | IP Logged  

We put the healers on black and dps on white. That way healers will help taking the black balls while healing.

And healers/DPS always stay the same color, meaning if they have to swap because of shield/vortex they swap back to the orginal color, that way less confusion and less black balls to handle. And also stay next to a portal of opposite color, so you can quickly switch.

A protip for warlocks: Get light essence before the fight, and use hellfire. You stack up enpowered buff that way!


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Posted: 10 November 2009 at 3:16pm | IP Logged  

and the tanks?

There is no IRL, there's just AFK.
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Posted: 10 November 2009 at 3:18pm | IP Logged  

I think the tanks takes an essence each, they don'w swap when the shield comes up obviously. Only swap when they are changing vortex. (they can run change essence without wiping the group then since one of them stands still and casts it)


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